I AM…The Resurrection and The Life! (John 11)


Rev. Clint Smith
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I AM..The Resurrection and The Life!
John 11:1-44

Truth #1 – Life events are designed to bring glory to the name of Jesus. Lazarus was sick and died.
  • (v. 1-6) Lazarus was sick and dying. When Jesus heart it, he didn’t hurry to fix the situation, He stayed two more days out of town! James 1:1-8
  • (v. 7-16) Jesus sounds like he doesn’t care, until we realize why. He did not heal Lazarus because He wanted his people to witness His resurrection power and believe.
Truth #2 – Life events can cause us to question God’s love.
  • (v. 17-24) The troubles of life will come. If and when we question Jesus, we should always look to His Word for the answer.
  • (v. 25-27) Jesus made it clear – Hope is found in Him alone!.
Truth #3 – Life events should cause our faith to grow in the One who has overcome death and hell.
  • (v. 28-34) The troubles of life will come. If and when we question Jesus, we should always look to His word for the answer.
  • (v. 35-44) Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and showed He has all authority. He showed us He is God.

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