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Rev. Clint Smith
Paul faced opposition after being called by God as an Apostle. The religious and nonreligious society opposed him while he ministered in his lifetime and some still oppose him today. He provided clarity for unity.
Paul asked the Church at least nineteen rhetorical questions in order to provoke them to think. He sought to honor God and set the record straight.
Paul vindicated his faith, his call, and his official Apostolic authority. Acts 9:1-22
Paul countered those within the Church at Corinth who questioned the validity of his Apostleship.
Paul summarily cataloged his Apostolic rights and privileges.
Paul restated his purpose. He preached the hope of the Gospel.
Paul was motivated to reach all people with the Gospel with whatever appropriate means necessary.
Paul challenged the Church at Corinth to compete. This challenge would cause the Church to exercise the discipline necessary to grow spiritually and fulfill the will of God. The prize was Christlikeness. Philippians 3:14; 2 Timothy 4:7,8
Paul used his ministry as an example for others to follow. He believed upon Jesus and was saved. He submitted his life to the leading of the Holy Spirit. He was a student of the Word of God. Galatians 2:20
Paul’s missional lifestyle followed God’s leading and honored God’s call.
Paul gave a Biblical defense for his ministry. In preaching to others he disciplined himself so as not to become disqualified!
While we are not Apostles, we are Christians who are led by the Holy Spirit, guided by the Holy Word of God, called to live self-disciplined, holy lives, and make disciples of the nations through the sharing the Gospel.
Matthew 28:19-20; 1 Peter 1:13-16