TCKids is designed solely to help children seek, serve, and share Jesus with all their hearts in a safe, high-energy, enriching environment for preschoolers to preteens. Our children are led in many different learning experiences by adults and youth who are visible examples of God’s love. The children are nurtured through Sunday morning Bible study, worship, missions, activities, trips, camp, fun, and fellowship.
Our Aim
Welcome everyone in a comfortable environment where we push our children to wrestle with a better understanding of Jesus Christ.
Disciple children as they increasingly gain a Biblical understanding of their daily walk with Christ through small and large groups, singing, games, sports, and Biblical teaching.
Safety & Security of the children is of utmost importance. All TCKids volunteers are subjected to a background check and children must be checked in using our electronic check-in kiosk. Parents or Guardians will receive a sticker which must be presented when checking out your child.

Sunday Mornings begin at 9am with children in their classes learning about the Bible. If you need assistance locating your child’s Sunday morning classroom, any of our greeters, located at the building entrances, will be happy to assist.

Sunday Evenings from 5-6:30pm from August until May, children focus on music and missions. We break into groups to work on learning songs and basics of music and how all ages can worship God through music. The second half of the evening, we take a look into missions. We are called to share Jesus with the nations in Matthew 28:16-20, and there are many out there serving God overseas. We think it's awesome, however, that we can be just as much on mission here in our own neighborhoods as those on mission overseas. We learn about missionaries who are currently serving, how we ourselves can be on mission right here in Aiken, and we do mission projects where we put into action what we are learning.

Wednesday Evenings from 6-7:30pm, Children participate in TCKids, where we meet collectively to worship, study the Bible, and play games. We will be crazy and have fun, but also dig deep in God's Word to know and grow as we learn more about Him through praise, play and study.

Summer Camps run from June through August. As a ministry of TCBC, Camp Exemplar provides children with an opportunity to spend their summer with friends having fun! The ultimate exemplar for a Christian is Jesus. And as His followers we are to be exemplars of His character and behavior that we find in His word, the Bible. Parents can rest assured knowing their children are in a safe and secure environment where Exemplar Guides will help them grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Each week will be filled with activities and field trips that will keep your children busy, but busy with a purpose! Visit campexemplar.com for more info.
- Parents are equipped to be the primary spiritual leader of their child. No one has more influence in a child's life than his or her parents. God designed it this way, and our job is to partner with parents and place tools in their hands that will help them be successful.
- Each child is known by name. Each child should have someone who knows them by name, whether it's their teacher, the Children's Pastor/Director or a volunteer. We want them to feel like they have a place here at TCBC where they can see a welcoming face who knows who they are!
- Each child is in a small group. Children are in a group with 8-10 other children where they are known, build relationships, and are cared for. They can find this in Sunday morning Life Groups and in our other events on Sunday and Wednesday nights.
- Interaction with volunteers who are being equipped, encouraged, and empowered. Without a solid team of volunteers, children's ministry is ineffective. Our teachers love kids and desire to see them know more about Jesus! Each one is gifted in unique ways that contribute to our team and mission to serve Jesus and your families.
- Children are coming to Christ and are growing in their relationship with Him. We want children to be presented with the Gospel as many times as needed so that they understand what it means to be saved through Jesus. Once they have made the decision to ask Jesus to be their Savior, we will provide programs to encourage them to take spiritual steps and develop spiritual disciplines that help them grow in their faith.
- Children are having fun! It’s as simple as that! We want them to learn, but to have fun while they do it. No one wants to be somewhere that they don’t enjoy being there. We want kids to see that loving Jesus and coming to church can be just that! Each week they will play games, do crafts, dance, and be silly during the different activities offered here at TCBC.

American Heritage Girls serves as a catalyst for building young women of integrity and faith through service to God, family, community and country. It’s open to girls 5—18. AHG allows girls to put “legs on their faith” thus becoming an outward sign of Christ’s love in their community.
American Heritage Girls meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 6:30-8pm. Click here for more info.