Rev. Clint Smith
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These Things, These Days – Mark 11:1-11
Matthew 21:1-11
Luke 19:28-40
John 12:12-19
1. God’s plan for this day was set before the foundations of the earth.
2. Like Disciples of Christ today, Jesus sent two of His disciples on a “GO” Mission!
3. Jesus told the disciples where to go. They listened and obeyed.
4. Jesus told the disciples what they would find. They found exactly what Jesus said they would find.
5. The owners of the donkeys asked the disciples, precisely what Jesus said they would ask.
6. The disciples were sent on their way with the donkeys, just as Jesus commanded them.
7. The disciples threw their coats on the colt and Jesus entered Jerusalem, exactly as it was prophesied. Zechariah 9:9
8. The multitudes lifted their voices in praise to their King. They poured blessing upon blessing to Jesus. They laid their clothes and palm branches along the road to honor Jesus.
9. Jesus entered Jerusalem.
10. Luke 19:39-40. The Pharisees opposed Jesus but He rebuked the religious unbelieving.
How can we increase our faith by this world historical narrative, God so lovingly provided for us in the Holy Scriptures?
1. Trusting God’s Word.
2. Obeying God’s Word.
3. Sharing God’s Word.
Will you trust King Jesus today in these troubling times?
Will you submit your whole life to Him?
Will you receive your “GO Mission” from Jesus? Matthew 28:18-20
Will you be faithful to a faithful God?