Rev. Clint Smith
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John 6:26-38;41-61
- Truth #1 – Jesus came from Heaven to do the will of God (v. 39)
- (v. 26-32) Sinful people naturally desire temporary satisfaction from Jesus. People want to earn God’s favor instead of coming to Him by faith. Ephesians 2:8-10; Hebrews 11:1-3,6
- (v. 33-40) Jesus claimed to be God when He used “I AM.” He promised eternal satisfaction to those who would believe on Him. This is God’s free gift of salvation!
- Truth #2 – Jesus has been consistently rejected on Earth
- (v. 41-48) Sinful people naturally push Jesus away yet He loves us. John 1:6-13; John 3:14-21
- (v. 49-61) Jesus bled and died for sinners. By faith Christians believe and receive this Good News and are not ashamed. Those who will not believe this blood message find it offensive and perish. Hebrews 9:16-28; Romans 1:16