Consider This (John 7:10-31)


Rev. Clint Smith
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Consider This John 7:10-31

In the middle of the Festival of Tabernacles celebration, Jesus went up into the temple court and began to teach. The Jews were amazed. How? How does Jesus know the Scripture and their traditional teachings? They knew Jesus had no formal rabbinical training – nor did His disciples.

Consider this – Jesus submitted completely to the authority of God the Father.

Consider this – Jesus gave all glory and credit to God the Father for all things including His accurate teachings.

Consider this – Jesus challenged their unbelief. Jesus taught, if anyone is willing to do God’s will, they will know the foundations of His teachings.

Consider this – Jesus glorified God repeatedly with His life, His works, and His teachings. Jesus proclaimed that He Himself was true and righteous.

Consider this – Jesus confronted the unbelief of the people in the temple court. He placed His finger on their sins because they were disobedient to the law of Moses.

Consider this – The people and the religious leadership defamed Jesus. They said He had a demon.

Consider this – Jesus referenced the miracle He performed at the last Festival in Jerusalem. (John 5:1-18). He judged the people for their blind unbelief.

Consider this – Jesus rebuked the inconsistency of the religious leadership. He healed completely on the Sabbath and they were angry. But if a male child turned eight days old on the Sabbath, they would circumcise Him keeping the law of Moses and the Abrahamic Covenant.

Consider this – The crowd recognized Jesus pushed back against the religious leadership, boldly and authoritatively. They recognized the weakness of their rulers.

Consider this – The Bible says many of the people put their faith in Jesus. They recognized His truths and miracles were from God.