Rev. Clint Smith
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By the simple nature, a Biblical prophet is one who prophesies the words spoken to him by God. Joel writes – “this word of the LORD came to the Prophet Joel.” The initial audience was the spiritual leaders and people of the land of Israel. This plague Israel had recently experienced was a unique warning sent from God.
In the Old Testament, literal locust swarms had been sent by God in the past to bring judgment, but nothing like this, literal four-part locust plague had never hit Israel. Deuteronomy 28-38-42; 1 Kings 8:37
God expressed through Joel; a dual meaning using this event. A here-and-now happening and as a prophetic warning of future events. This warning was commanded to be passed on to future generations.
In the New Testament times, Jesus referenced a future distress coming like has never happened before. The Great Tribulation. Matthew 24:15-22
The sinfulness of the people of Israel was so great, even their worship outward expression of worship was altered.
Joel proclaimed a fast, a solemn assembly, a gathering of the elders and the people of the land. They were called to meet at the house of the LORD and plead to God for mercy.
Joel, through inspiration of God, moved from preaching about the unforgettable locust crisis to preaching about a future divine judgement(s), the Day of the LORD. [The New Testament calls it a day of “wrath,” a day of “visitation,” and the “great day of God Almighty” (Revelation 16:14) and refers to a still future fulfillment when God’s wrath is poured out on unbelieving Israel (Isaiah 22; Jeremiah 30:1-17; Joel 1-2; Amos 5; Zephaniah 1) and on the unbelieving world (Ezekiel 38–39; Zechariah 14).]
The Church must pray and diligently preach God’s reconciliation ministry. (2 Corinthians 5:16-21) We must plead with God help us live holy lives and to save sinners from their sins. People who are called by God’s name reap the consequences of a sinful life. Romans 5:1-12