Rev. Clint Smith
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Romans 6:1-11 – You Don’t Live There Anymore
1. The old home place is gone – it’s a fact.
(v1) Believers must not presume upon the divine grace that saved us. We have been saved by Almighty God.
(v2) Believers have died to sin – we cannot live in it!
2. The new place has been created – it’s by faith.
(v3,4a) Believers who put their faith in the Lord Jesus, are instantly new and have been baptized into his death. 2 Corinthians 5:17
V4b-7) We were transformed into His likeness so that we are no longer slaves to sin but we are set free. John 8:31-36
3. The new place is a forever place with Jesus – It’s how we function
(v7,8) If we have died to Christ, through faith we live with Christ forevermore!
(v9-11) Don’t go back to the old place (old life of sin), you don’t live there anymore!