Rev. Clint Smith
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Salvation, eternal life, living holy seem like words we only use and think about when we attend church. One of the dangers of hearing the truth is our minds and hearts can grow weary in hearing. James warns us we must be “…doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving ourselves.” James 1:22
In our Scripture today, we see Jesus encounter one of the most powerful men of his time. Nicodemus was a ruling Pharisee in the Jewish Sanhedrin.
Nicodemus visited with Jesus at night and confessed that he and the Sanhedrin knew Jesus was from God because of the signs/miracles Jesus was doing.
Jesus replied to Nicodemus with a simple declaration, you must be, “born from above.” Jesus was referring to God’s plan of salvation for Kingdom people. To be saved all people must be spiritually transformed, renewed, and sanctified. Romans 1:16,17; 12:1,2
Like many of us, Nicodemus resisted the exclusive message of salvation Jesus preached. Jesus confronted Nicodemus’ heart issue – lack of knowledge and lack of belief. (v. 9-21) Romans 10:9-17
Jesus shared an elementary Biblical history lesson with Nicodemus, one even a Jewish child would have known. What was it? (v. 14-21) Numbers 21:5-9
Jesus provided clarity for Nicodemus and all of humanity concerning His unfailing love. Jesus did not come to condemn the world; He came that all might be saved.
Nicodemus came to Jesus when it was physically dark outside. Nicodemus also came to Jesus when he was spiritually dark inside.
Jesus is the Light of the World. Just as Jesus offered salvation to Nicodemus, He offers that same salvation to whomever will believe upon Him as Savior and Lord. Romans 10:13
What was the fate of Nicodemus? Why did he stumble at full surrender to Jesus? He was a sinner and he had a love for his sin. Nicodemus was a self-condemned man because of his unbelief!
How about you, are you fully surrendered to Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?
Do you love this world more that the greatness of the Kingdom – with King Jesus?
Are you living daily like Jesus is King?
What do you need to change today to get right with God?