Foundational Facts for Faithful Living (1 Corinthians 3:1-4:7)


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Rev. Clint Smith

Foundational Facts for Faithful Living (1 Corinthians 3:1-4:7)

Fact: The Corinthian Church was full of spiritually immature Christians. They were dominated by their human nature. Romans 7:1-6
Fact: Paul spent eighteen months personally discipling the Corinthian believers during his second missionary journey. Acts 18:11,12
Fact: As a messenger of God, Paul called out the specific sins of the people who were causing division in the Church. God always desires unity within His body.
Fact: The carnal Corinthian Christians were those who were truly saved but were self-centered not God-centered. Romans 7:14-25
Fact: Paul and Apollos were simple instruments used by God. Paul clarified their unity in Christ.
Fact: The believer’s boss is God. We are His servants working together.
Fact: There is only One firm foundation for the Church and His name is Jesus.
Fact: There is a day of judgment coming for all believer’s. God’s judgment will test the quality, character, and worth of each person’s work.
Fact: Believers are the temple of God, the Spirit of God dwells permanently in all, collectively and individually. He knows our thoughts.
Fact: The Church must beware of destructive teachers. Paul writes, if anyone corrupts the temple of God with false doctrine, God will destroy the destroyer. The temple of God is holy and sacred. You are the temple. Job 5:13; Psalm 94:11
Fact: All things belong to Christians; therefore, we must be good stewards of the grace given and the mysteries of God He has chosen to reveal.
Fact: God demands His stewards be found faithful and trustworthy. Matthew 6:24
Fact: We humans have nothing to brag about. We are spiritual debtors to Christ. We live our lives in accordance with Holy Scripture.