God Paid the Ransom (Leviticus 16)


Rev. Clint Smith
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God Paid the Ransom – Leviticus 16

Truth 1: God appointed a specific person to offer the ransom.
-When God established the old Covenant, only the high priest could act on behalf of the people before God. His name was Aaron.
-When God established the new Covenant, only the High Priest could act on behalf of the people before God. His name is Jesus.

Truth 2: God appointed a specific place for the ransom.
-Only the high priest could come once a year into the Most Holy Place to offer sacrifice for the sins of the people. This was a temporary covering of their sins.
-Only Jesus came to earth to save His people from their sins eternally. Jesus gave full access to the Most Holy Place through His death, burial and resurrection.
Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38, Luke 23:45; Romans 6:23

Truth 3: God appointed a specific procedure for the ransom.
-The high priest acted specifically the way God said once a year.
-High Priest Jesus acted once and for all as God said. Galatians 4:4-7