Rev. Clint Smith
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Since Adam, every human has had a sinful and rebellious nature against God. Throughout Scripture, God has provided clear commands to guide humanity in maintaining a right relationship and fellowship with Him.
When Jesus walked the Earth, He confronted unbelief with unwavering truth, regardless of how difficult it was for people to accept. He consistently spoke the truth, silencing the challenges posed by the Pharisees and Sadducees.
A Mosaic Law expert questioned Jesus about His understanding of God’s greatest commandment and the path to eternal life. In response, Jesus asked for the expert’s perspective and then reiterated God’s truth in order of priority.
Jesus commended the Mosaic law expert for his understanding of Scripture and encouraged him to complete his faith, as he was witnessing God’s prophetic fulfillment of the Messiah’s coming to Earth.
God, in His omnipotence, has made it clear to all of humanity that He must be first in every aspect of a person’s life. As God, He deserves to be prioritized above all else. Genesis 1:1; Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 6:4,5; Matthew 6:24-34
God’s greatest commands:
1. The first command; You shall love the LORD with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
2. The second command is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Jesus gave us the mind of Christ in Scripture when He declared that the whole Law and the writings of the Prophets depend on these two commandments.
Jesus tested His audience with a question in Matthew 22:41-46 and He gave a human example of how and a command to express this love in Luke 10:29-37.
Are you being obedient to the commands of God?
Do you love Him? Are you loving your neighbors like Christ?
Are you loving your neighbors as yourself?