God’s Master Plan for Christmas Part 4 (Matthew 2)


Rev. Clint Smith
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God’s Master Plan for Christmas
Matthew 2

Truth #1 – The wise men were commissioned after the birth of Jesus.
(v1a) First things first, Jesus had to be born as prophesied – and He was.
(v1b,2) The wise men came with purpose – to worship Jesus with all of their hearts.

Truth #2 – The religious leaders confirmed where Jesus was to be born.
(v3,7,8) Herod faked like he wanted to worship Jesus.
(v4-6) The religious elite condemned themselves by their head knowledge of Scripture but not a heart’s desire to worship Jesus.

Truth #3 – The wise men continued to seek Jesus.
(v9-11a) The wise men found Jesus and they worshiped Him.
(v11b,12) The wise men recognized the worth of Jesus and presented gifts to our Prophet, Priest and King.

Is God calling you to give your heart to Jesus this Christmas?
What will it take to have you surrender everything to the King of kings and Lord of lords?