Guided by The Dayspring’s Light (Luke 1:67-80)


Rev. Clint Smith
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Guided by The Dayspring’s Light – Luke 1:67-80

In our Scripture today we take a look in the life of Zechariah/Zacharias. His name means – God remembers. He and his wife Elizabeth served God faithfully all of their lives, but they had no son. The Hebrews believed if a woman could not have children, she and her husband were not blessed by God. God remembered! He blessed the two of them with a son, John, the forerunner of Jesus Christ.

Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and there he prophesied.
He revered God and brought Him glory.
He remembered Gabriel’s announcement. Luke 1:5-23
He revealed God had set His people free through redemption. Jesus is our redemption. Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:12-14; 1 Peter 1:18-21
He rightly prophesied of the Great Powerful One, Who would be the Son of David and would bring salvation. His name is Jesus. Acts 4:8-12
He recalled the Davidic covenant. 1 Chronicles 17:11-14
He referenced the holy prophets of God, regarding the Messiah.
He rejoiced God was fulfilling the Abrahamic covenant. Genesis 12:1-3; Genesis 15
He recited a prayer of blessing over John.
He reminded the world, John (his only son) would be the forerunner of the greatest One who would ever walk the earth, Jesus the Messiah.
He recognized the Creator God was giving mankind what we do not deserve; the ability to be guided by the Dayspring’s Light. Jesus is the Light. John 1:1-5
John grew strong in spirit. He lived in the desert until his appointed preaching assignments.