Hope in Fellowship with God and the Church (1 Thessalonians 3:6-13)


Rev. Clint Smith
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Hope in Fellowship with God and the Church (1 Thessalonians 3:6-13)

God has a people! His people come from every nation, tribe, people, and language. The love of God flows in and through His people, who make up the Church. The Apostle Paul deeply loved the Church at Thessalonica, and they, in turn, loved him. As God leads His Church, compassion supernaturally overflows. Revelation 7:9,10; 1 Corinthians 12:13-27

Pastor Timothy reported to Paul that, although the Church in Thessalonica was still immature, it was increasingly demonstrating oneness, unity, and love. Christian unity comes with Christian maturity. John 17:13-21

Paul rejoiced that the Christians in Thessalonica were boldly owning and exercising their faith in front of their pagan culture. 2 Timothy 2:1-13

Paul asked a rhetorical question, “For what adequate thanks can we offer to God for you in return for all the joy and delight we have before our God on your account?” He emphasized the worship of one God, our God.

Paul prayed fervently for the Church, openly expressing his deep desire to fellowship with his brothers and sisters in the faith and to guide them deeper in the doctrines of God.

Paul appealed to God to divinely remove any obstacles which might hinder his return to Thessalonica.

Paul asked Omnipotent God to cause the love in the Church to abound for each other as they suffered through persecution. He also asked that they continue to love those not yet in their fellowship who were persecuting them. Matthew 7:12 (Golden Rule)

Paul prayed that the Saints of God would take every opportunity to fully surrender to Him, allowing Him to establish their hearts in holiness.
1 Peter 1:15-17

Is the Church today loving God, loving others as we love ourselves?

What priorities must you change to put God first?

Will you be a man or woman of hope that is real?