Rev. Clint Smith
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Jesus gave His disciples two {if conjunctions} back-to-back. Jesus gave them the premise of something extra special from God backed by a holy promise from God. He declared “if you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” He also said, “if you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” Having no other word from Jesus, these two should be enough to have lasting hope.
What commandments would they have to keep? The number ranges from 600-1000 in the whole Bible. Jesus intended for them to keep the greatest commandment. Matthew 22:35-40
God the Son promised His disciples that He would ask God the Father to send to them God the Holy Spirit when He (Jesus) went away.
The work of the Holy Spirit brings glory to God the Father and the Son. He is the Helper, the Comforter, the Counselor, the Spirit of truth.
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would live within the disciples of Christ and around them, eternally.
Jesus lovingly implanted the truth of His going to the Father as being imminent. He comforted His disciples with the knowledge that if they keep His commandments, they would be loved by Him and God the Father.
Jesus taught that the world does not love Jesus and therefore does not keep His words. Nonbelievers are disobedient to the Word of God.
The Holy Spirit is the personal Teacher for every Believer.
The Holy Spirit gives special spiritual memory to a Believer at the time of need.
Have you given your life to Jesus Christ?
Are you walking daily in His presence?
Are you listening to the Teacher, the Holy Spirit?