Jesus Reveals His Will, His Way, In His Time (John 21:1-19)


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Rev. Clint Smith

Jesus Reveals His Will, His Way, In His Time (John 21:1-19)

Jesus had spent three years with His group of disciples. One betrayed Him and then committed suicide. One betrayed Him and had severe guilt. All left Him the day He was arrested. They were men with a heavy call they did not comprehend or fully understand.

Peter decided he was going back to his old profession (fishing) because he did not have a clear path forward from God.

God did not allow Peter to have success in his occupation. God caused even the fish to hurry away from Peter’s nets.

Jesus appeared to Peter on a Sea of Galilee beach. Through a miracle, Jesus helped Peter and His disciples experience His power over Creation.

Jesus knew they did not catch any fish, but He asked them anyway if they had fish. Peter had to humble himself and openly state that he did not catch any fish.

Jesus called out and commanded the fishermen to cast their nets on the starboard side of the boat, so they did and took in a heavy haul of 153 large fish.

After the miracle catch of fish, Peter recognized Jesus on the beach. He jumped into the water to hurry to Jesus. Peter knew deep down he needed a fresh encounter with Christ.

Peter had fished all night. Jesus knew he was physically hungry, so He had bread and fish for them cooking on the beach.

After breakfast Jesus appealed to Peter’s heart before He revealed His will. Jesus knew he was spiritually hurting from his past sins.

Jesus’ words spoke deeply to Peter’s soul. He challenged Peter’s head knowledge and pushed Him to hold on to his faith.

Jesus revealed Peter’s hazardous future and commanded him to stay the course as a Jesus follower.

Are you willing to know and do the will of God?

What are you asking God for?