Rev. Clint Smith
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Paul planned to return to the new Churches and strengthen the new congregations. Paul’s plan was good, but God used Paul’s motivation to further the Kingdom message – Jesus saves!
God’s love motivated Paul to return to the city where he was threatened to be stoned to death and to the city where the people actually stoned him and left him for dead.
God had divine appointments for Paul – one such appointment was, he had to meet his spiritual son in the faith – Timothy. 1 Timothy 1:1-4
Paul traveled to the Churches sharing what the apostles and elders determined about salvation – through faith in Jesus alone by the grace of God.
Paul wanted to take the gospel to Asia. The Holy Spirit forbid him.
While letting God choose his path, Paul waited. While waiting, Paul had a vision. This vision is commonly referred to as “The Macedonian Call.”
Paul and his team immediately mobilized and traveled to Macedonia.
God had another divine appointment for Paul, this time a disciple named Lydia.
God used Lydia to be a blessing to the ministry of Paul. Romans 12:13
Take away:
If you are at a crossroads in your life – let God choose the path.
If you are struggling and do not know what to do – let God choose the path.
If you are burdened to reach someone with the Gospel – let God choose the path.
If you are wondering if God has a plan for your life, wait – let God choose the path. Isaiah 40:31
Remember, what the Word of God says – Isaiah 55:8,9 -let God choose the path.