Rev. Clint Smith
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Jesus keeps every single divine appointment the Father schedules.
Jesus broke manmade social norms to reach a woman described at her lowest point of sin.
Jesus offered the sinful woman a gift from God, He offered her living water.
Jesus instructed the woman He offered internal change and eternal change.
Jesus confronted the Samaritan woman’s core sin problem. He placed his finger on her sinful past.
The woman recognized Jesus was from God, but she shifted the conversation to the proper place of worship.
This woman was not seeking God, but God was seeking her. Romans 3:10-12
Jesus knew her heart, He called out her ignorance about worship.
Jesus said worship would be on God’s terms, not on mankind’s terms. He instructed her that true worship can happen anywhere as long as it is in Spirit and Truth.
The woman finally said, the Messiah (the Christ) is coming and He will settle the issue of worship and all things related to God.
Jesus revealed His Messiahship to the woman. Jesus is the Great I AM!
The woman left Jacob’s Well without her empty waterpot but with a heart full of living water.
She returned to her city to tell all about what Jesus had done for her. She invited the whole town to come and meet Jesus, ironically the disciples did not.
People heard the words of God and believed.
Are you sharing the good news of the Gospel with the people you know?
Are you sure of your eternal security?
If not, why not?