Rev. Clint Smith
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Paul exhorted the Corinthian Church to invest in the struggling Jerusalem Church so that unity may abound and the Lord’s work may continue.
Each member of the Church was to give some portion of their income to the work of the Lord.
Paul laid out his itinerary before the Church leaders. He desired to be with the Church at Corinth but only if the Lord permitted him to do so. James 4:13-15
Paul intended to know and do the will of God. Led by the Holy Spirit, Paul recognized that God opened doors of effective ministry for him to complete. Ephesians 2:10
Paul insisted that the Church be on guard and stand firm in their faith. The Church was to respect God’s precepts and keep their doctrine pure. Ephesians 6:10-18
Paul instructed the Church to grow up in their faith, to be courageous, and to be strong.
Paul inspired the Church to lead out with love in everything. John 13:34-35
Paul identified specific people who went above and beyond in the Gospel ministry. They are forever acknowledged as co-laborers with Christ.
Paul brought to the Church at Corinth’s attention that they were not alone in God’s great work. He recognized other Churches who were on mission with God and some of the equipping influencers.
Paul imparted this truth; anyone who does not obey, respect, and believe in Jesus Christ and His message is condemned. [Anathema = accursed] John 3:16-21
Paul included “Maranatha!” as a motto or watchword to urge the Church to keep prepared and on watch for the Lord’s return.
Paul inscribed his salutation with Jesus’ grace and Paul’s love for the Church of Christ Jesus.