Rev. Clint Smith
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God spoke powerfully through His prophet Amos to His Chosen People, the entire nation of Israel. Amos delivered messages of judgment to both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, viewing them as a single Nation in the eyes of the LORD. God saw all of their terrible sins and warned them of His impending punishment that would come as a result.
God directed Amos to prophesy against the Hebrew twelve tribes collectively, referring to them as a whole family. He reminded them of His powerful hand in delivering them from slavery in Egypt. God made it clear that He had chosen, cared for, and loved the Hebrews above all the families of the earth to show the world His sovereignty; therefore, He promised great punishment for their wickedness.
Why punishment? The Hebrew people had heard the word of God, witnessed His deliverance, received the Mosaic Law, and possessed the Temple of God on Earth. They were without excuse, having the truth of the true God but choosing instead to worship false gods and engage in gross idolatry.
Amos posed seven examination questions. The first question addressed walking together with God. No one can walk with God while remaining in sin unless they repent and follow His path. This principle remains true in the New Testament as well, as illustrated in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.
God has always provided mankind with warnings of His impending judgment, revealing His secrets to His prophets. Today, He discloses His thoughts through the eternal Holy Scriptures. Psalm 19:7-14; 2 Timothy 3:16-17
God revealed that though His judgment would be harsh, He would save a remnant of His people, who would experience a dramatic shift from prosperity to poverty.
The Almighty God had spoken, and Amos’ prophecy was exactly fulfilled as prophesied within 30 years of its delivery.
Are you in right relationship with God today? Are you in right fellowship with God today?