Questions & Answers

What does it mean to be saved? (Video, Notes)
Is it possible to sell your soul to the devil? (Video, Notes)

What are the attributes of God? (Video, Notes)
Does God have a physical body? (Video, Notes)
What is an anthropomorphism? (Video, Notes)

Do Christians have to keep asking for forgiveness for their sins? (Video, Notes)
Does God require Sabbath-keeping of Christians? (Video, Notes)
What is the Lord’s day? (Video, Notes)

What does the Bible say about retirement? (Video, Notes)
What are the qualifications of elders and deacons? (Video, Notes)

Did Jesus become sin on the cross? (Video, Notes)
Where do I find the age of accountability in the Bible? (Video, Notes)

What is God’s design for marriage? (Video, Notes)
Why does God hate divorce? (Video, Notes)

What are the qualifications of elders and deacons? (Video, Notes)
Can women serve as deacons in the church? (Video, Notes)
What are the responsibilities of deacons in the church? (Video, Notes)