Rev. Clint Smith
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God’s Overseer must be blameless, serving as God’s steward and managing God’s household.
God’s Overseer should not be hot-tempered, greedy, or fond of wine.
God’s Overseer must be hospitable and sober-minded, embodying justice and holiness with self-control.
God’s Overseer must boldly hold fast to sound doctrine, exhorting, convicting, and opposing false teachings and false teachers.
Paul warned Titus that the Church and Overseers must be aware that there are many rebellious individuals who are empty talkers and deceivers, particularly among those of the circumcision—Jews who insist that Gentile believers must be circumcised and follow the Law to be saved. These teachers were happy to lead others astray. Romans 1:18-30
Evil Overseers must be confronted with the truth of sound doctrine and silenced. Like wolves among sheep, they do not confront in large groups; instead, they go from house to house, subverting individual families for dishonest gain. 2 Timothy 3:1-9; 2 John 1:7-11
Evil Overseers were recognized by their own. They were heretics boldly promoted their own version of Christianity, creating a division that echoed through the new Church communities on the Island of Crete.
Paul affirmed the negative testimony spoken about the Cretans. Due to their lifestyle, he instructed Titus to rebuke them harshly so they could be sound in the faith and turn away from false teachings and turn to the truth. 2 Timothy 3:16,17
Everything from God is acceptable and pure for His faithful followers. For unbelievers without a genuine faith, nothing is pure because of their defiled minds and consciences. They profess to know God, but in their actions, they deny Him. God deems them disqualified. Romans 2:1-16