Thanksgiving to God for His Plans and Purposes (John 18:15-27)


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Rev. Clint Smith

Jesus Prayed – John 18:15-27

In times of trouble and distress, we can often stress and have negative feelings. During those times we have but one place to look for strength and encouragement, we turn to the Lord, our Creator, our Savior. We should be quick to count our blessings and name them one by one. Today we thank Him for the price He paid for our sins. We are thankful God is true to His plans and purposes.

We are thankful Peter was motivated by God to follow those who arrested Jesus to the high priest’s home. Peter was conflicted between his fear and his love.

We are thankful for the relationships that were built prior to this moment of Jesus’s trial. They proved to open doors for Scripture fulfillment.

We are thankful it was cold the evening of Jesus’s arrest. A fire was kindled and the outside arresting crowd huddled around it, and so did Peter.

We are thankful the high priest asked Jesus about His disciples and His doctrine.

We are especially thankful for Jesus’ clarity about His teachings.

We are thankful Jesus our Savior took the abuse from the high priest and those in authority. Without His perseverance through it all, we could not have eternal life.

We are thankful Peter denied Jesus, just as Jesus said he would.

We are thankful for roosters; they are proof God can use anything to fulfill His plans and purposes.

Are you walking in obedient relationship with Jesus?

Are you sharing the Gospel with those around you?

For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16 NLT