Rev. Clint Smith
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- Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He brings peace to those who believe in Him as Savior and Lord and He offends those who dwell in unbelief. The lifestyle of a faithful Jesus Follower differs from that of someone who merely professes religion. John 14:25-27; Matthew 10:34-39
- Jesus restored the joy in His disciple’s hearts before commissioning them with their divine purpose.
- Jesus gave His disciples the promised Holy Spirit.
- Jesus peacefully yet powerfully tackled His disciple’s unbelief.
- Matthew 28:16,17, Jesus gave His disciples reason to worship and not worry. He left His disciples the Authoritative policies, procedures, and practices of His Father (the Holy Scriptures). 2 Timothy 3:16,17
- Jesus proclaimed His authority to His disciples. He is El Shaddai – “God, the All-powerful One!”
- Jesus commissioned His disciples to GO to the people of all Nations.
- Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach to the people of all Nations because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:9-17
- Jesus commissioned His disciples to practice Biblical baptism for everyone who would believe.
- Jesus commissioned His disciples to properly teach His commands. John 14:15-24
- Jesus commissioned His disciples and promised them His divine presence forever.
We are Jesus followers and still have this great calling on our lives, we must obediently GO GLOBAL FOR JESUS AND SHARE HIS LOVE TO THE WORLD.
This begins with our families, friends, neighbors, classmates, teachers, professors, coworkers, or with anyone who will listen.
Fulfill your extreme mission from God, Jesus Follower!