Rev. Clint Smith
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Jesus used His time just prior to His arrest and later crucifixion to share with His disciples solid truths. He declared His I AM to them and yet they did not fully understand and/or believe. Jesus told His disciples His way to the Father.
Jesus pronounced His oneness with God the Father. This great doctrinal teaching is fundamental to the Christian faith.
In his spiritual blindness, Philip asked Jesus to see the Father. Jesus addressed his dullness of heart and proclaimed, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.”
In quick succession Jesus fired questions to Philip and the others at the table. He wanted His disciples to know He was the Revelation of God. He would not tolerate unbelief. John 20:30,31
Jesus proclaimed that His authority and power to do miracles came from the Father Who dwelled within Him.
The miracles Jesus performed declared Him God. Jesus expected His disciples to believe. Even the Jewish rulers believed – to a point of disbelief. John 3:1-16
Jesus intended to challenge His disciples to walk by faith and not by sight. He knew they would have to begin exercising their faith very soon.
Are you searching today for peace, hope, and purpose?
God the Father’s plans will never be your plans, or at least He will never “do” what you think He should do your way. His ways are higher! Isaiah 55:6-9
Never let your emotions or thoughts outweigh the Word of God and faith.
You can know God in a personal love relationship only found in Jesus Christ alone.
Is Jesus sufficient for you today?