Think About the Creator’s Unquestionable Love for Us (Romans 5)


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Rev. Clint Smith

Would the Real Christian Please Stand Up?
Romans 5:5-11 – Think About the Creator’s Unquestionable Love for Us

1. God promised and then poured out His love in our hearts
(v5a) Our God promises a hope which cannot fail, an eternal hope.
(v5b) Our God promises to fill our hearts with Himself, the Holy Spirit

2. God gave us supernatural life with his sacrificial death.
(v6) Our God proved His love for us when we were ungodly and powerless to provide our own salvation.
(v7-8) Our God demonstrated His love for us when God the Son died on the Cross for our sins while we were sinners.

3. God offers us peace in place of wrath.
(v9) Through the blood of Jesus we are declared free from the guilt of sin. We have peace with God!
(v10,11) We have Spiritual Joy through Jesus Christ our Lord because we have been reconciled to our Creator God.