Rev. Clint Smith
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Christians can not help but celebrate. The Founder of our faith, the Author of salvation, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords is our God. We serve a living God! We can never be the same after having a salvation encounter with Christ. He changes us from the inside out. We walk in the new life.
God raised Jesus from the dead. He has absolute control and victory over death and hell. Revelation 1:18
Mary met the resurrected Jesus and personally knew who He was. John 20:15-17
Jesus made the way for Mary, His personal disciples, and His disciples today to be dead to sin and alive to God.
When Jesus died, the Christian died. When He was buried, the Christian was buried. When Christ was raised from the dead, the Christian was raised from the dead.
The Christian’s old life was crucified with Christ. The Christian has been set free from sin.
Jesus died once for all. The death that He died, He died to sin ending its power and paying the sinner’s debt once and for all; and the life that He lives, He lives to glorify God in unbroken fellowship with Him.
Christians have received God’s favor and mercy. Jesus ended sins power in the Christian’s life. Ephesians 2:8-10
The Christ-follower, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can and must master sin. Sin no longer has dominion over the Christian. Galatians 5:24-26
Jesus’ resurrection gives the Christian spiritual liberty to live the new life. This is the unmerited grace of God.
The new life in Christ is the victorious life. The Bible tells us the end of the story and Christians have the victory over death through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Christians should be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, being continually aware that our labor in the Lord is not wasted. Our labor in Christ is always with purpose.